Intervention protocol


EQCMA intervention protocol in cases of infectious laryngotracheitis and Mycoplasma gallisepticum mycoplasmosis in commercial poultry flocks in Quebec

Following the report, the EQCMA will contact the producer to put in place biosecurity measures and coordination of activities on their farm, on surrounding farms and with the stakeholders concerned in order to minimize the possibility of spreading the disease and in promote rapid eradication.


Step 1 As soon as a suspected or positive case of LTI or MG is declared by a producer, by an employee identified by the latter or by the veterinary practitioner (MVP), the EQCMA coordinator collects from the producer or from its MVP relevant information on the case in order to provide assistance to the producer. For this purpose, he uses the   Producer Questionnaire is completed. 

The coordinator will then assist the producer in the application of the self-quarantine and biosecurity measures that will need to be implement on the farm. These measures apply equally to cases infected with ITL or MG.

The document entitled  Self-Quarantine and Biosecurity Measures for Producers will serve as a reference for the producer throughout the disease control and eradication process. In addition, the Guide to washing and disinfecting chicken coops recommended by the Chair in Poultry Research at the University of Montreal.   

Step 2 With the authorization of the producer, the EQCMA coordinator will contact all suppliers of on-farm products and services, identified on the producer questionnaire, to inform them of the specific biosecurity measures that are required for each visit to that farm. These measures will be in force for a period determined by the EQCMA in accordance with the recommendations of the attending veterinarian. 



Requirements for the exterminator to assess an infected site
Biosecurity for product and service providers
Biosecurity for on-farm visitors
Biosecurity for bird transporters
Biosecurity for slaughterhouses
Biosecurity for egg classifiers and processors
Biosecurity during exit and transport of manure
Biosecurity for washing and disinfection teams
Biosecurity for delivery of chicks and poults to the farm
Restrictions on bird capturing activities

Where references are made to current EQCMA biosecurity protocols, please refer to the  
Biosecurity section  of this site.

In the case of an infected flock located in an area with a high density of poultry production, specific biosecurity measures would also be recommended on surrounding farms within a geographic radius prescribed by the EQCMA. The producers and stakeholders concerned would be informed of the precautions to be taken.

Step 3:  
At the same time, the EQCMA will regularly communicate with producers and stakeholders in the poultry sector on the status of the disease situation, the biosecurity measures to be applied, the evolution of the situation and the timing of the lifting of regional biosecurity measures in the risk area. 

Step 4:  
Throughout the different stages of disease control and eradication, the EQCMA coordinator will keep regular contact with the producer and his MVP regarding the evolution of the situation on the farm, the application of biosecurity measures and to provide support during this process. An external verification on the application of prescribed biosecurity measures including washing and disinfection activities could take place at the request of the producer office concerned.

The success of the intervention in the cases of LTI and MG does not depend only on the quality of the coordination activities of the EQCMA, but, above all, on the full collaboration of the producers and stakeholders concerned in the recommended implementation and prescribed biosecurity measures.

Download the full 2021 document