Associate members
The EQCMA is supported by approximately 50 associate members who participate in its activities:
- ADM Alliance Nutrition
- Agro-Extermination
- Association of Animal Industry Veterinarians of Quebec (AVIA)
- Association of Duck and Geese Breeders of Quebec
- Bio Agri Mix LP
- Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Canada Inc.
- CEVA Animal Health
- Avipro Loading
- Agri-Food Processing and Consumer Products Council
- Couvoir Québec inc.
- Couvoir Unik inc.
- DCL Nutrition & animal health
- Elanco animal health
- Robert Charette Enterprises inc.
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Montreal
- Federation of producers of heritage breeds of Quebec
Ferme Avicole Orléans inc. - Adalia Group inc.
- BOD Group
- Nutri Group
- Denis Choquette Transport inc.
- Jolco Équipements Inc.
- Kemin Industries Canada ULC
- Bilodeau & Fils Ltd.
- L’Équipoule inc.
- Les Équipes Sarrazin (9008-1951 Québec Inc.)
- Burnbrae Farms / St-Zotique Farm / Bec-O Eggs
- Maheu&Maheu
- Merck animal health
- Pascal Cote
- Pigeon 2006 inc.
- Poirier Bérard Ltée (Nutreco Cda)
- Rothsay-Laurenco
- Sanimax
- JGL Poultry Service
- Terminix Canada
- Dry Transbec
- Transport Gaston Nadeau inc.
- Transport & Logistics Alain Bellemare inc.
- Union of Agricultural Producers
- V Extermination
- Vétoquinol Canada inc.
- Poultry Gilles Lafortune inc.
- West Penetone Inc.
Interested in becoming an associate member of the EQCMA?
Please download and complete the attached form and submit it to the EQCMA.
Without being associate members, government organizations are recognized as regular collaborators, namely the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec (MAPAQ).