Flu vaccination
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ) encourages workers in the poultry and swine industry, in contact with animals or their carcasses, to take advantage of the human seasonal flu vaccine. The vaccine is being offered free to the entire population this year. Find out about this vaccination campaign , especially if you are part of the groups targeted by public health authorities.
Influenza circulates in the human population during the flu season, while the presence of H5N1 avian influenza currently persists in birds in Quebec, and swine influenza circulates regularly in pigs. The simultaneous presence of these viruses increases the chances that they will be transmitted between animals and humans. Mixing two viruses during an infection increases the likelihood that one virus will acquire characteristics of greater concern for animal and public health. Currently, bird flu or swine flu viruses are rarely transmitted from animals to humans. If this happens, the virus usually affects workers in close contact with infected animals. No sustained transmission between people is observed.
You are invited to continue your efforts to prevent swine flu and avian flu on farms. The seasonal flu vaccine is an additional precaution allowing you to reduce the risk of transmission of human influenza.
Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 was identified in Canada on December 20, 2021, in Newfoundland. Since then, numerous wild birds and poultry farms have been found positive in several Canadian provinces and the United States. To date, the presence of avian influenza has been detected in Quebec in 47 bird farms.